Cottages at Berlin Senior Housing

This project was to provide a concept plan and construction documents for a walkable 40 unit elderly housing development on a 4.66-acre site. In addition to the 40 housing units, the development also included the required parking with permeable paving, driveway, street lighting, a smoke shelter, a putting green, bus stop benches, a walking trail, site landscaping, stormwater management (SWM) facilities including a submerged gravel wetland, rain gardens, landscape infiltration areas, and grass swales to meet the latest MDE SWM ESD requirements.  In addition, a neighborhood focal point was created to include a 1,400 square foot community center building, a shuffleboard court, a croquet field and a horseshoes court.  The design also included universal accessibility and incorporated Sustainability Site Initiatives (SSI).The concept plan was used by the developer to apply financing for the development and construction of the 40 housing units. The construction has been completed and the development is fully occupied.


Coppin State University


Camden Crossing Housing