North Avenue Public Realm Design

This project is to provide a streetscape concept design for the section of North Avenue located in the Art and Entertainment District. The goals of this project are to transform the spatial quality of the street, to provide space for public art, to create a street ambience that is appropriate for art and entertainment, to provide site features to strengthen the identity of the street as Art and Entertainment District, to improve traffic safety, and to ensure pedestrian and bicyclist safety.  Based upon the above stated goals, PELA developed alternative concept plans that address the current site issues and achieve the goals. Cross section analysis, before and after images, and 3-D models were prepared to illustrate the design ideas. Two design charrettes have been held in the area to receive community input for shaping the streetscape of the corridor. PELA worked closely with Baltimore City Department of Transportation as well as various community groups and stakeholders.


Largo Town Center Park


Patriot Plaza